- #01. DG"swing" The mystery of heritage swing our curiosity in advance. 2007.06.25
- #02. DG"frontier" When we emerged from forest,we saw the ruins in front us. 2007.07.01
- #03. DG"echo" The leaves rustled in the wind to the echo. 2007.07.01
- #04. DG"cathedral" There was filled with solemon atmospheres. 2007.07.08
- #05. DG"ignite" We walked for two hours in the afternoon burning hot. 2007.07.15
- #06. DG"uneasiness" Darkness and bad smell aroused our uneasiness. 2007.07.23
- #07. Burn our bridges behind us \(^O^)/ 2007.07.29
◎Last up date : 2008.05.04 - #01「DG”swing”」最新版に差し替え。